Recruitment automation

How can I post jobs to popular job boards from PersiaHR?

On the job page, click Edit to activate the Job Edit screen. In the left panel, find the Publish Job section.

Publish Job

There, check out the sites where you need to publish a job.
Next, fill out the form with necessary information and click the Save and Publish button.

How to connect job boards to your PersiaHR account, you can read here.

Job publication

In the Publish Job section, you have the following options:

  • Manually link a job from the job-board to a job in PersiaHR so that all candidate applications from the job board are automatically linked to the job in PersiaHR.
  • Unlink job from a job published on a website.
  • Update job on the job board. As a result, the job will be updated on the selected job boards.
  • If necessary, in this section you can edit your job ad. Job description text will be changed for all job boards at once.

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