Recruitment automation

Keyword search is not enough. Does the system have advanced search?

Yes, in the Candidate List on the left you can find the advanced search form where you can combine different criteria for better candidate search. For example, use search by keyword, click the Find button and get a list of candidates that have these words in their resumes. Keywords are highlighted in yellow. Similarly, the information will be highlighted, if you are searching candidates by surname, first name or email address.

You can search “all words” or “any”.

Searching with “all words” will return all the resumes, which contain all the words from the search phrase, but not necessarily in the same order.
 “Any” — search returns all resumes which have at least one word from the search phrase.

Please note that you also have additional search options, combining which you can specify exactly the criteria you need. You also search by:

  • linked job (this can be a job that you or your colleagues closed in the past, which is similar to the current position);
  • location (country and city);
  • age;
  • date added;
  • gender;
  • email and phone availability.
Advanced search

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